Its time to grow your lengths out again.Super long hair are back in fashion however i believe long hair never goes out of style. Kim kardashian and jennifer lopez have inspired us to take our hair to new lengths this 2020.
There are two ways to get the look either wear extentions or try growing natural hair at home.
long hair ,kim hair
long hair at home

I will share with you guys  some most basic and easy steps to try for getting a longer length in a fastest way possible at home.I'm sure some of them are already been part of your routine all you need to focus is do it in a right way and you will get the your dream hair!

        Washing hair
Skip shampooing daily.Wash it twice or thrice a week or when you really feel they are getting greasy. Washing them twice/thrice allows the natural oil to penetrate your hair. It allows to keep them hydrated on its own.
A friend of mine once asked me if she doesn't wash her hair daily it gets really oily so i suggested her to try changing her shampoo and begin with skipping one day after the wash and check how does it go because shampooing daily will eventually weakens your hair. That's the most basic step in growing hair faster at home.

long hair, grow hair at home

        Don’t apply hot water
Hot water is really bad for your scalp. Its winters and I myself prefer hot water for a bath. No worries go for it. What you can do here while washing hair either use Luke-warm water or when you are done with the bath dip the ends of your hair in a cold water for 5 minutes it helps in repairing cuticle of hair.

You must apply conditioner every time you shampoo your hair because shampoo is a cleansing agent it cleanse your hair in a way that it takes away the moisture and natural oil while conditioner on the other hand has ingredients in it which makes your hair softer and less dry.
grow hair at home, conditioner for hair

Also, try deep conditioning once a month it makes your hair super soft.

      Don’t brush wet hair
Back then I used to brush my hair right after bath which is a big NO. It causes more hair fall when wet , let them 60% air dry. Always brush your hair when they are damp and start brushing from bottom. Brush your tips first and then brush from roots.

      Loose braids when damp
When they are 60% dry which is damp I put them up in a loose braid which benefits in locking the moisture of my hair so that it remains smooth. If we let them dry openly which sadly I used to do , the moisture doesn’t lock.
grow hair , braided hair ,2020 hair goals

That’s something very tricky. We all have heard frequent trimming results in growing hair faster but it never worked for me so I did  some experiment and research just to found out cutting the ends of your hair doesn’t affect the follicles in the scalp. Hair grows about a quarter-inch every month.
Consequently regular trims are good for healthy looking and appearance but doesn't affect the hair growth. It reduces split ends however if you don’t trim with the intention of getting length of the hair you will definitely get your desired length though there is a chance your hair appears to be thin in that case. So what I suggest you to have a trim yourself or ask your mother to cut uneven or minimum necessary just to eliminate the split ends every sixth month only if you are planning on to get length otherwise in normal situations get a trim every 3rd month.
hair trimming, grow hair at home

Say no to heat
You really need to stop using heat styling tools like hair dryer ,curling iron etc till the point you get to your desired length. Air drying is the healthiest way. If you can’t skip styling you must use heat protecting product before it and don’t forget to keep the temperature as low as possible.
heat styling tools , grwo hair at home
photo :unsplash
      Water Intake
I know you guys might read it everywhere and you must be bored to death with hearing drinking lots of water makes you glow but it’s there for some reason. I personally never focused on healthy eating and my water intake and I've suffered with its consequences. Increase your water intake try it for yourself and you will see the results.
Also reduce the amount of junk intake.
grow hair at home, 2020 hair goals, water intake for hair
photo :unsplash

      Stop coloring
Desire to go blonde and wanting long hair can’t go in same direction girls. I’m telling you with my own experience coloring damages 80% of your hair , the bleach used during  the treatment breaks the cuticle resulting in grey hair and more hair fall. I never had any grey hair but ever since I colored my hair I witnessed 3-4 grey hair sadly.
Stop coloring till you get your desired length or you can try coloring at home it will be less harmful
Those who have colored or are planning to color you really need to take extra care of your hair otherwise be ready to experience a major hair fall.
coloring hair for growth, grow hair at home, 2020 hair goals

 Hair masks
Try using homemade hair masks for healthy long hair. Aloe Vera is really good for hair you can make one at home.

air mask at home,2020hair

Oiling is the core of your hair care routine. People tend to skip this part  I’ve been hearing from girls having oily hair, they believe they don’t need to apply oil as they already have oily hair which is a misconception when your hair gets too greasy/oily that is because your skin/Scalp type is like that & this oil doesn’t serves the purpose of nourishment for hair growth .
I have oily hair as well what I do when oiling is focus more on ends/tips and less on my scalp.

Biotin is basically vitamins. Its purpose is to support your hair growth and reduces hair loss. They are good for skin and nails as well. It’s a food supplement so there is no harm in taking these but if you are already on some medical treatment or pregnant/breastfeeding I would highly suggest you to consult your doctor first as usually in such scenarios one is already taking multivitamins.

Hopefully applying those steps in your routine will get you in growing hair faster at home.
vitamins for hair, hair growth at home , hairgoals 2020

Disclaimer : Above mentioned advice to grow hair faster at home are results of an individual tests and experiments. Thus blogger isn't liable to any clause.
