My panic button turned on the most when i had a sore throat and little fever for past two days and all those negative thoughts started coming in that my health being at risk and thanks to Corona Virus I am feeling all sorts of anxiety and panic because basically "ME" as it all sounds so badly dangerous however it might not be as it sounds.
Where social media has an impact-ful influence in spreading all kinds of right news to everyone, it also sort of comes with a lot of pressure, tension and an added anxiety for all of us. Please don’t let the information overflow as it will only leads to anxiety and effect your mental health more than your physical health.
I personally feel people might not get effected by corona-virus physically but sadly they have been affected by it mentally so just stay informed rightly and sanitised and take all the necessary precautions to stay safe but at the same time, don’t go so hard on your mental health like me because every fever isn't corona and as ALHAMDULILAH i am not suffering from it , this was just a regular fever ,same might be the case with you ''sigh''. Don’t go out unnecessarily and worry so much about it that it mentally destroys you before it does physically.
P.s don’t forget to recite the sunnah duas and kul sharif for safety. Alhamdulilah i have a very strong believe in those azkar more than any medicine may be because they are not only protecting you physically but healing you spiritually and you tend to feel calm because shifa comes from ALLAH almighty be it a medicine or duas :)
Also ,take precautions keep: washing hands every now and then, wear masks in crowded areas if having cough/flu, drink loadz of water. Hope this over soon InnshaALLAH.
Remember in duas. xoxo
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